Table: editions

10298Andreas Stenberg2005-12-012005-12-01One of three Catches on musical Themes in Three Catches from "The Catch Club or Merry Companion…". H.Purcell: A Catch by way of an Epistle, Anon.: A Fiddler and a Fuddler, H.Purcell: Upon the Viol14615A Fiddler and a Fuddler, a Catch (Anonymous)A Fiddler and a Fuddler, a CatchAnonymous2023-09-16 07:03:38

Table: files

10298.3Musikcatch.ly10298internalsourcesourceLilyPond{{Ly}} 2023-09-16 07:03:38
10298.2Musikcatch.midi10298internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 07:03:38
10298.1Musikcatch.pdf10298internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 422CPDLA442023-09-16 07:03:38