Table: editions

11034Andreas Stenberg2006-02-192006-02-19This edition follows the original but the original 'right hand' has been split between the keyboard RH and the solo voice. The short preludes and interludes are thus original. The continuo realisation is by the editor.
16939The Gallant sailor (Anonymous)The Gallant sailorAnonymous2023-09-16 07:03:45

Table: files

11034.3Gallansay.ly11034internalsourcesourceLilyPond{{Ly}} 2023-09-16 07:03:45
11034.2Gallansay.midi11034internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 07:03:45
11034.1Gallansay.pdf11034internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 281CPDLA432023-09-16 07:03:45