Table: editions

11233Philip Legge2006-03-132006-03-13This is the main vocal score, as choirs 3 and 4 are the principal choirs; they include 8 solo parts for pairs of S, A, T, and B, described as coro favoriti. These parts may be sung equally well by a semi-chorus rather than solo voices. Revised 8 April 2006.18970Alleluja! Lobet den Herren (Psalm 150), SWV 38 (Heinrich Schütz)Alleluja! Lobet den Herren (Psalm 150), SWV 38Heinrich Schütz2023-09-16 10:14:49

Table: files

11233.1SWV38_Alleluja!_Favoriti_VS_PML.pdf11233internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 216PersonalA4242023-09-16 10:14:50