Table: editions

13498Nuno Raimundo2007-01-272007-01-27The repetition sign (segno) is the signum congruentiae in the original. It means that the 5th and 6th verses should be repeated from the respective sign (that is: 1,2,3,4,5,5,6, and then "em parir…" again). / In the original manuscript, the syllabes of the lyrics were not arranged for each note. I have done it a way I think it is the best, but it is just my interpretation.25517De gram prision nos quitó (Anonymous)De gram prision nos quitóAnonymous2023-09-16 07:02:47

Table: files

13498.2De_gram_prision_nos_quito.mid13498internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 07:02:47
13498.1De_gram_prision_nos_quito.pdf13498internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 1255Public DomainA412023-09-16 07:02:47