Table: editions

15917Peter Kaplan2008-02-052008-02-05In general I have avoided all editorial markings as far as possible. However, changes in meter are reflected explicitly as time signature changes. Additionally, brackets have been added here and there underneath the staff in order to indicate alternative rhythmic interpretations. {{KbdRed}}30473Adon Olam a 8 (Salamone Rossi)Adon Olam a 8Salamone Rossi2023-09-16 10:08:21

Table: files

15917.3Adonolam_rossi.ly15917internalsourcesourceLilyPond{{Ly}} 2023-09-16 10:08:21
15917.2Adonolam_rossi.mid15917internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 10:08:21
15917.1Adonolam_rossi.pdf15917internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 372CPDLLetter122023-09-16 10:08:21