Table: editions

22695Renato Calcaterra2010-11-242010-11-24MusicXML file is [[zipped]]. Transcribed from the "Musica Divina di XIX autori illustri a IIII. V. VI et VII voci, nuovamente raccolta da Pietro Phalesio et data in luce in Anversa - 1588". The keys, time signatures, notes' values and accidentals are as in the original print. The C clefs are transposed to the G clef and to the modern Tenor clef. The accidentals above the note are editor’s suggestions.
Falsely attributed in the edition to "Hoste da Reggio", although the collection names "Spirto da Reggio".
97724Dolce contrade (Gasparo Pratoneri)Dolce contradeGasparo Pratoneri2023-09-16 09:56:26

Table: files

22695.3Hoste_da_Reggio-Dolce_contrade-XML.zip22695internalscorescore2Zip file{{Zip}}(XML)2023-09-16 09:56:26
22695.2Hoste_da_Reggio-Dolce_contrade.mid22695internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 09:56:26
22695.1Hoste_da_Reggio-Dolce_contrade.pdf22695internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 92CPDLA412023-09-16 09:56:26