Table: editions

22846Stephen Trahair2010-12-132011-01-16An arrangement for {{Cat|Organ accompaniment|organ}} and unison voices of Merbecke's Communion Service, including the Responses and Acclamations, the Creed, Sanctus & Benedictus, Agnus Dei, Lord's Prayer, Kyries and Gloria. This edition follows modern usage in not retaining Merbecke's note values. It may be freely copied and performed, provided the attribution 'arranged and edited by Stephen Trahair' is made. ''The PDF was produced in reversed order: from last to first page.''64157Communion Service (John Merbecke)Communion ServiceJohn Merbecke2023-09-16 09:25:30

Table: files

22846.2Merbecke_Communion_Service.mxl22846internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 09:25:30
22846.1Merbecke_Communion_Service.pdf22846internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 205Creative Commons AttributionA482023-09-16 09:25:30