Table: editions

23174John Hetland2011-02-212011-02-21From ''Portugaliae musica,'' volume 27, edited by Luis Pereira Leal, published by the Celeste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 1976. We have lowered the notation a tone, reduced the time values by half, and provided the translation. To correct an apparent error in the Gulbenkian edition, we have added a half-note B-flat to the soprano part in measures 25-26, shortened the soprano whole-rest in 27 to a half, and moved a half-rest in the bass part from measure 28 to measure 26. Printed by John Hetland and The Renaissance Street Singers.64860Vidi aquam (Filipe de Magalhães)Vidi aquamFilipe de Magalhães2024-04-09 22:50:26

Table: files

23174.2Maga-vid.MID23174internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}}  Chant:2024-04-09 22:50:26
23174.1Maga-vid.pdf23174internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 200CPDLLetter52024-04-09 22:50:26
23174.3Maga-vid-c.mxl23174internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}}  Polyphony:2024-04-09 22:50:26
23174.4index.php?title=Special:Upload&wpDestFile=Maga-vid.mxl23174internalunknownnone 2024-04-09 22:50:26