Table: editions

23176Kurt Pages2011-02-222011-02-22Edition without the Basso continuo part; corrected edition (17.02.2018)
Source: Facsimile editions of the original part books and of the Monteverdi edition by Gian Francesco Malipiero ([Vienna] 1927, vol. 4) from the „IMSLP – Petrucci Music Library“; further details of this edition (for example the URLs) are listed in the „Vorbemerkung“ (p. 2).
64881Ohimè, se tanto amate (Claudio Monteverdi)Ohimè, se tanto amateClaudio Monteverdi2023-09-16 09:30:51

Table: files

23176.3Monte-Ohime_se_tanto_amate.mus23176internalsourcesource2Finale{{Mus}}(Finale 2017)2023-09-16 09:30:51
23176.2Monte-Ohime_se_tanto_amate.mxl23176internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 09:30:51
23176.1Monte-Ohime_se_tanto_amate.pdf23176internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 117PersonalA482023-09-16 09:30:51