Table: editions

25005Dick Wursten2011-11-262012-01-13Transcribed from the three remaining partbooks with added Bassus. Orthographical oddities (like "se" for "s'est" etc..) in the original text have been edited to facilitate performance by modern day musicians. The original spelling however is retained. Slight differences between the surviving partbooks have been streamlined. One error in the original text has been corrected: In the original partbooks (''Tenor'' and ''Altus'') the last line of the trio (secunda pars) reads: "Aussi au point du jour", which has to be "Assise au point du jour" (correct in ''Superius''). The text used in this 1544 composition still largely follows the unofficial versions that circulated in print and manuscript before 1541.72745Du fons de ma pensee (Gentian)Du fons de ma penseeGentian2023-09-16 08:25:20

Table: files

25005.2Du_fons_de_ma_pensee_Gentian.mxl25005internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:25:20
25005.1Du_fons_de_ma_pensee_Gentian.pdf25005internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 102CPDLA492023-09-16 08:25:20