Table: editions

28848Charles H. Giffen2013-04-232013-04-23Revision of original work. Note values halved, text underlay improved, and middle part has two changed accidentals and two 4-3 suspensions. Music copyright by the composer for CPDL. May be freely copied, distributed, performed or recorded. Please [[Talk:Charles H. Giffen|inform the composer]] of any performances of this work.70631Ave Maria a 3 (Charles H. Giffen)Ave Maria a 3Charles H. Giffen2023-09-16 08:28:23

Table: files

28848.3Giffen-Ave_Maria_a_3-SAB.mxl28848internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:28:23
28848.2Giffen-Ave_Maria_a_3-SAB.mp328848internalsoundsoundmp3{{Mp3}} 2023-09-16 08:28:23
28848.1Giffen-Ave_Maria_a_3-SAB.pdf28848internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 100CPDLLetter32023-09-16 08:28:23