Table: editions

32173Massimo Capozza2014-06-042014-06-04This edition is based on CPDL #03945, checked against CPDL#02459 and against the edition published by Symphonia-Verlag A.G., Basel, in 1951, by G. Ricordi & Co, New York, in 1957, and edited by Ruggero Vené (1897 - 1961) and Maffeo Zanon (1882 - 1968). In this edition the picardy cadence on bar 29 - 30 that is present in CPDL #03945 and #02459, likely editorial, has been omitted in compliance with the Symphonia-Verlag/Ricordi edition, which supposedly more closely follows the original.6912O felix anima (Giacomo Carissimi)O felix animaGiacomo Carissimi2023-09-16 07:46:09

Table: files

32173.3Cr01-1.mxl32173internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 07:46:09
32173.2Cr01-1.mid32173internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 07:46:09
32173.1Cr01-1.pdf32173internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 27CPDLA422023-09-16 07:46:09