Table: editions

32663Barry Johnston2014-08-112014-08-11Oval-note edition. Stanzas three and four of Watts' hymn added below, and stanza five repeated below that. The last phrase of the repeated stanza five has been changed slightly to fit the music. It was also necessary to add a syllable to the third line of stanzas four and the repeated stanza five in order to fit the music.102429Resignation (William Billings)ResignationWilliam Billings2023-09-16 07:32:29

Table: files

32663.3ResignationBillings1781cpr.mxl32663internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 07:32:29
32663.2ResignationBillings1781cpr.mid32663internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}} 2023-09-16 07:32:29
32663.1ResignationBillings1781cpr.pdf32663internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 52Public DomainLetter22023-09-16 07:32:29