Table: editions

41460Daisy Gibbs2016-10-172016-10-17Original key for ATTBarB. Warning - there is a typo in bar 24 - the ossia in the superius part should be prefaced with a G2 clef, not C1, as written. I'm hoping to change this when I'm a little more fluent in CPDL uploading - in the meantime please accept my apologies!48241Sive vigilem (William Mundy)Sive vigilemWilliam Mundy2023-12-31 20:00:55

Table: files

41460.2Mundy_-_Sive_vigilem.mxl41460internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}} 2023-12-31 20:00:55
41460.1Mundy_-_Sive_vigilem.pdf41460internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 105CPDLA472023-12-31 20:00:55