Table: editions

52389John Hetland2018-11-252018-11-25Source: ''H. Isaac: Opera omnia'', ed. E. R. Lerner, CMM, lxv/iii, 1974-. Notation here is at the original pitch with note values halved. Translation, text underlay and editorial accidentals by John Hetland and The Renaissance Street Singers. 15 Sep 2004206482Missa De Apostolis a 5 (Heinrich Isaac)Missa De Apostolis a 5Heinrich Isaac2023-09-16 08:52:14

Table: files

52389.3Isaa-dea-san-c.mxl52389internalsourcesourceMusic XML{{XML}}  Polyphony-2023-09-16 08:52:14
52389.4Isaa-dea-san.mxl52389internalsourcesource2Music XML{{XML}} 2023-09-16 08:52:14
52389.2Isaa-dea-san.MID52389internalsoundsoundmid{{Mid}}  Chant-2023-09-16 08:52:14
52389.1Isaa-dea-san.pdf52389internalscorescorepdf{{Pdf}} 6256CPDLLetter82023-09-16 08:52:14