The old school book (Alfred Arthur Graley)

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Editor: David Anderson (submitted 2024-05-08).   Score information: Letter, 8 pages, 364 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: The old school book
Composer: Alfred Arthur Graley
Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SecularPartsong

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1874 Taintor Brothers

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

On the Old School Book in its dusty nook,
With a tearful eye I gaze:
Come down, old friend, for an hour we’ll spend,
In a talk of the by-gone days.
I gaze once more, as in days of yore,
On the task that vexed the brain;
The lesson done, and the vict’ry won,
And I feel I’m a child again.

And I seem to stand with the youthful band
In the old house on the green;
I hear the fun ere the school begun,
And I join in the gladsome scene;
I take my place with a sober face,
O’er the well-carved desk I bend;
And hourly pore o’er the learned lore
Of thy wonderful page, old friend.

Then our cares were few, and our friends were true,
And our griefs were rare and light;
The world was naught (so we fondly thought,)
But a region of pure delight.
But time has sped, and our path has led
Through the dark and tearful scene;
And passed away are the good and gay,
Like the old house upon the green.

But we'll sing no more of the days of yore,
For the tear-drop dims the eye;
Sleep on, old book, in thy dusty nook,
As in years that have glided by;
No gilt we trace in thy honest face,
But a mine of gold within
Enriched the youth, as they sought for truth
In the old house upon the green.