Tenebrae factae sunt

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General Information

Fifth of the nine responsories for Matins of Good Friday.

A responsory is a sung response to a Scripture reading. It has two parts: a respond and a versicle. After the versicle (indicated below by V. and usually sung by a single voice or a smaller group), the second part of the respond (indicated below by a bullet) is repeated. Its biblical sources are Matthew 27:45-46, John 19:30, and Luke 23:46.

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Text and translations

Latin.png Latin text

Tenebrae factae sunt, dum crucifixissent Jesum Judaei:
et circa horam nonam exclamavit Jesus voce magna:
Deus meus, ut quid me dereliquisti?

  • Et inclinato capite, emisit spiritum.

V. Exclamans Jesus voce magna ait: Pater, in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum.

  • Et inclinato capite, emisit spiritum.


Italian.png Italian translation

Si fecero le tenebre mentre crocifiggevano Gesù i Giudei,
e circa alla nona ora, Gesù esclamò a gran voce:
Dio mio, Dio mio, perchè mi hai abbandonato?

  • E, chinato il capo, spirò

V. Gesù esclamò a gran voce e disse: Padre, nelle Tue mani affido il mio Spirito

  • E, chinato il capo, spirò.
English.png English translation

Darkness fell when the Jews crucified Jesus:
and about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice:
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

  • And he bowed his head and gave up the ghost.

V. Jesus cried with a loud voice and said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.

  • And he bowed his head and gave up the ghost.


Polish.png Polish translation

Ciemność zapadła nad Ziemią, gdy ukrzyżowano Jezusa,
około godziny dziewiątej Jezus zawołał wielkim głosem:
"Boże mój, Boże, czemuś mnie opuścił?"

  • I skłonił głowę i oddał ducha.

V. Jezus zawołał wielkim głosem i powiedział: "Ojcze, w Twe ręce powierzam ducha mojego.

  • I skłonił głowę i oddał ducha.

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